Some items including body worn camera police on the internet are marked as "Free Sample" and can be ordered as such. In general, Eagle Mobile Video (ShenZhen) Technology Co.,Ltd's regular products are available for free samples. However, if the customer has some specific requirements such as product size, material, color or LOGO, we shall charge the relevant costs. We are keen for your understanding that we would like to charge the sample cost which will be deducted once the order is confirmed. Once you are satisfied with our sample quality and place an order with required MOQ, we surely return such amount.
With stable and sufficient supply of IP vehicle camera, ShenZhen Eagle Mobile Video Technology Co.,Ltd has won big trust from customers. TF car monitor series manufactured by Eagle Mobile Video Technology include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. Eagle Mobile Video Technology dual car camera is produced with the most advanced machines. Its fabric strength and weaving fineness are tested by on-line monitoring equipment. The product can be used for video recording. This product brings many economic benefits to customers and is believed to be more widely used in the market. The product is praised for its high efficiency.
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